Planning & Discovery

Landaal planning and discovery icon

We immerse ourselves in understanding you, your product’s essence, and your unique requirements. We identify your particular challenges and pave the way for our team of designers to innovate. We pledge to deliver custom packaging solutions that not only address but exceed each of your project’s goals.

Process & Services

With a combined experience of over 50 years in packaging structural design and graphic design, we use cutting-edge technology including ESKO Artios CAD, Automation Engine, Studio Visualizer, as well as Adobe Illustrator for graphic solutions.

We collaborate with you, sharing our knowledge and applying it to your exact specifications to achieve the best possible solution with a holistic design approach.

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about how we can optimize your packaging strategy, grow your audience, and drive your business toward success. Let’s work together to create endless possibilities for you and your clients.

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