Manufacturing & Industrial Components

Landaal’s expertise in determining the right protective packaging solutions for the Manufacturing and Industrial marketplace is centered around our rigorous fit-for-use structural design services. We offer a wide range of protective packaging solutions to ensure strength, dependability, and security during transit. Our customized protective packaging solutions offer reliable blocking and bracing for heavy, awkward or delicate items, and the correct corrugate combination for box size, weight, and supply chain environment.


Containing Solutions

Landaal Bulk Bin Corrugate Container
Landaal Self Locking Tray Corrugate Container
Landaal Regular Slotted Corrugate Container, Block & Barrel
Landaal Full Over Lap Corrugate Container

Protecting Solutions

Landaal Corrugated Honeycomb, Protective Packaging
Landaal Corrugated Honeycomb, Protective Packaging
Landaal Molded Foam, Protective Packaging

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about how we can optimize your packaging strategy, grow your audience, and drive your business toward success. Let’s work together to create endless possibilities for you and your clients.

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